Green Lane, PA

Home Camp History Today Memories Discussion Photo Gallery Reunion



A flurry of emails during the summer of 2007 reconnected us with a remarkable number of campers and counselors (many of whom we actually remembered!) from Camp Skymount's earliest beginning, in 1939, to the early '70s when Uncle Nate Goldberg (sadly) sold the camp.

This cyberspace "reunion" inspired the creation of this website and led to a host of wonderful shared memories...Color War, Allentown Fair, Hoagies, Wolf Lodge, Dorney Park, Ringing Rock...

We hope to find even more of our former Skymounteers--especially in time for our
FIRST REUNION, tentatively scheduled for June 21, 2014! 

To that end, please send your email to get on our master evite list:
(Be sure to give the years you attended along with your full name and affiliation--camper, counselor, waiter, CIT)

You can also join our discussion groups:
Yahoo Listserve:,

In the meantime, check out this website for a sample of the photos
and memories we've been gathering.

We would love to hear from you!

Best wishes,

Tobi Goldberg Maguire
Dan Goldberg

NEW online
Today: Canoeing on Lake Skymount (or, what it looks like today-- with pictures!)
Memories: we're trying to gather trivia and photos for each decade.

And don't miss:

An Oral History of Camp Skymount (see Camp History)



©2007 Camp Skymount